The most complete earthquake app is Track Earthquake: Map & Alerts, which is also the only real-time earthquake early warning system available in the majority of the worlds nations. Features include a live earthquake map that tracks and detects earthquakes worldwide. Get free, personalized earthquake warnings without any limitations.
Track Earthquake: Map & Alerts offers you 3 unique plans. Subscribe to have unlimited access to premium version of the app.
1 week - $6.99
1 Month - $14.99
1 Year - $39.99
* Subscription payments will be charged to your iTunes account at confirmation of your purchase and upon commencement of each renewal term. Subscription will automatically renew. You can cancel your subscription in the iTunes settings at least 24-hours before the end of the next subscription cycle. The cancellation will take effect the day after the last day of the current subscription period and you will be downgraded to the free service.
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